The Haisla Nation Council administrative building in Kitamaat Village (Haisla Nation Council photo)

Haisla Nation Council continues work-from-home orders for beginning of new year

HNC announced their non-essential staff will be working from home until Jan. 18

  • Jan. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Haisla Nation Council (HNC) has announced that they will be working from home when they return to work after the winter break, starting Jan. 4.

“We feel the ongoing adherence to provincial health orders are making an improvement to slowing the transmission of COVID-19,” HNC said in a news release. “However in considering the ongoing safety of our staff and the community, when we return to work on January 4, we will have our staff work from home for the initial two weeks, resuming our regular rotations on January 18. Our essential services will continue as normal during this time.”

HNC said they believe this is the right choice for their community, given the possibility of a post-holiday spike in COVID-19 cases.

They added that the Haisla Community School will communicate directly with their students and families for an alternate plan.

Essential HNC services, including the Haisla Health Centre, Gas Bar, Post Office, reception, and Public Works, will continue in-person with safety measures in place, while the remainder of staff will work from their homes.

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Kitimat Northern Sentinel