Happy Canada Day Oak Bay

Slideshow - Oak Bay celebrates the national birthday a little early with a party

  • Jul. 1, 2015 9:00 a.m.
Danielle Brochu and two-year-old Felix Phillips stop for a selfie after finding a patch of green to enjoy the ukelele music during Oak Bay’s Canada Day celebrations on Friday.

Danielle Brochu and two-year-old Felix Phillips stop for a selfie after finding a patch of green to enjoy the ukelele music during Oak Bay’s Canada Day celebrations on Friday.

Oak Bay Canada Day party 2015

Kids were treated to a round of sirens during the Canada Day party at Oak Bay municipal hall last Friday (June 26) as the Oak Bay firefighters screamed off to a call mid-party.

Oak Bay Police hung around and chatted with residents and Recreation Oak Bay served up food and games. The annual event included all sorts of carnival fare including temporary tattoos, cupcakes, son cones, kids games and an impressive lineup for hotdogs. All the while the Monterey Ukelele Club provided background sound, after opening with a rousing rendition of O Canada that featured voices across the lawn.


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