Police are cautioning drivers to keep a sharp eye on the road after a Fruitvale man hit and killed an elk along Highway 2A near Trail. The driver was reported to be uninjured. though the car was significantly damaged. Photo: Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Heads up for wildlife warn police after crash with elk on West Kootenay highway

The accident happened in the early morning hours of April 30

Police are giving the locals the heads up that wildlife is indeed out for the season after a Fruitvale driver was spared but the animal was killed.

Crash with elk

Trail police received a call in the early hours April 30 informing that the driver of a pick up truck was involved in a collision with an elk on Highway 22A near Trail. The elk was deceased and damage to the vehicle is estimated to be $10,000+. The driver, a 53-year-old Fruitvale man, was reported to be uninjured.

“There is an average of 9,900 crashes involving animals each year in B.C.,” advises Trail Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. “In addition to be mindful of the posted highway signs warning of animal collisions, ICBC and the Province of BC provide some helpful tips to avoid hitting wildlife.”

Those tips include: be extra careful in the early morning or at dusk and during the night when animals are most likely to be on the road; slow down and look ahead into the ditch for movement or for the reflection of animal eyes in your headlights.

Some animals, especially deer, may panic when they see vehicle headlights and may freeze in the road. If you see an animal, slow down until you are well past it.

Moose will often attempt to escape from a car by continuing to run along the road. This may pose a hazard to other drivers. If it is safe to do so, pull over or slow to a very low speed until the animal leaves the road.

Many animals travel in groups. If you see one on the road, slow down – there may be more following.

In the summer many young creatures become more mobile and are likely to join their parents crossing the road to find new habitat.

Report dead or injured animals on the road to the local RCMP or the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1.877.952.7277.

Don’t approach the animal yourself as it could be dangerous.

Read more: Preventing wildlife collisions in B.C.

Read more: Animals involved in 11,000 vehicle collisions annually across B.C.

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Trail Daily Times