Residents reported a landslide on Maquinna Street following the ongoing heavy rains. No one was injured. (Google Earth Image)

Residents reported a landslide on Maquinna Street following the ongoing heavy rains. No one was injured. (Google Earth Image)

Heavy rains lead to landslide on Harling Point

Oak Bay police also catch sea pirate with stolen motor

Heavy rains led to a relatively minor landslide at an oceanfront property along Maquinna Street in Harling Point on Friday.

Oak Bay police and fire crews responded.

“With the excess rains of late, soil erosion had occurred and part of the bank near the water had sloughed away,” said Ray Bernoties, Oak Bay Police Deputy Chief.

No injuries were reported.

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During the week of Feb. 2 to 9, Oak Bay Police also responded to a pedestrian injured when they were struck by a driver, a stolen car was recovered and a possible breakthrough was made in the ongoing crime spree of marine equipment.

It was Wednesday when police responded to a resident who sustained minor injuries after a driver hit them near the Oak Bay Recreation Centre. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment and an investigation is underway.

Last week Oak Bay Police located a vehicle in the 2200-block of Windsor Road that was previously reported missing, or stolen, from Saanich.

Last Tuesday, a resident reported their bike was stolen from the storage locker in their apartment building.

An unlucky student who left their vehicle unlocked in the Camosun College parking lot returned to their car to find textbooks and a laptop stolen.

“It is important to record all your serial numbers, make and model of items of value,” Bernoties said. “Should these items become lost or stolen and then recovered, it allows police to return the items to their rightful owners.”

On Saturday, police searched a vessel moored without permission at the Oak Bay Marina and identified it was using an outboard motor reported stolen on Jan. 27. At the time of the theft, the motor was on a boat anchored off-shore near the 3200-block of Beach Drive in the Uplands.

Police conducted a vessel safety inspection under the Canada Shipping Act at which time the outboard was determined to be stolen, Bernoties said.

The boat was operated by a 22-year-old male.

“We’re pleased as there have been several thefts from boats recently,” Bernoties said. “We’re continuing to try to do everything we can to catch those involved and we’re grateful for the public’s assistance.”

The owner was able to assist the police in recovering the outboard by keeping records the proof of purchase and serial number, Bernoties said.

“We will be recommending a charge of possession of stolen property and the boat operator has been banned from mooring his boat at the Oak Bay Marina and was issued a violation ticket for not having his operators permit on him.”

Oak Bay Police also received several reports of stolen bags containing refundable bottles and cans from Oak Bay residents.

“If you plan on returning your refundables, you should consider locking them up to prevent theft,” Bernoties said.

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