Ticks are predominately found in the bushes, in forests or areas that wild animals inhabit. (Contributed)

Ticks are predominately found in the bushes, in forests or areas that wild animals inhabit. (Contributed)

Help your pet avoid ticks during peak season

Ticks are most commonly encountered in bushy areas from April to November

  • Apr. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

As the weather gets warmer and more people begin taking to the outdoors to walk their pets, one thing to remember is those dangerous insects lurking in the grass looking to munch on furry friends.

Peachland resident Yvette Trombley took to social media on April 12, to post a photo of at least 12 ticks she had picked off of her dog after returning from a hike.

Her picture served as a warning to pet owners to be more vigilant when walking outdoors this spring.

Dr. Oz, a veterinarian at Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital said it’s peak tick season right now, from April until November. During this time ticks are predominately found in the bushes, in forests or areas that wild animals inhabit.

“Ticks don’t have eyes so they feel the heat sensation and they jump towards it,” said Dr. Oz.

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According to Oz, the best way to prevent against ticks is to medicate your pet once a month from April to November, which your pet can take orally or in a topical form.

“What will happen is the tick will come, bite the skin and then die from the toxins of the medicine,” said Oz.

“Of course, after being outside from a hike, go and look all over for ticks. Usually, they are very small so you have to do it every day but if (your pet) takes the preventative medication they will most likely die.”

While ticks can agitate your pet, the main concern is about contracting lime disease.

“Even if the dog takes preventative medication for ticks, when the tick bites the animal and sucks the blood and dies, in the process the tick can deliver lime disease.

Due to this possibility, Dr. Oz said there is a vaccine available to combat the virus if the situation arises.

Ticks are most commonly found in between an animal’s toes, ears and anywhere that there are lots of hairs. Next time you return from a walk in a bushy area, be sure to check these areas.

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