Highlights from the latest RDEK board meeting

For the Bulletin

Highlights from the latest RDEK board meeting

For the Bulletin

RDEK Board Meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact Loree Duczek at lduczek@rdek.bc.ca or visit www.rdek.bc.ca

New Five-Year Agreement for Yellow Bin Program

The Board has accepted a five-year proposal from GFL Environmental Inc. to continue to operate the Yellow Bin Recycling Program in the region. The Yellow Bin Program accepts paper, cardboard, tin and aluminum cans, plastics #1-#6 and grocery bags and is totally separate from the new Recycle BC Depots being established by the RDEK.

Letter to be Sent to Canada Post

On the heels of an announcement that the Grasmere Post Office will be closing, the RDEK is sending Canada Post a letter strongly recommending that they have a serious look at the fee structure for rural post offices. The long-time operators of the Grasmere Post Office were not able to reach an agreement with Canada Post that covered the operating costs of the business.

Lake Windermere Official Community Plan Adopted

The RDEK Board has adopted the Lake Windermere Official Community Plan. The OCP will guide development in the plan area over the next five to ten years. The planning process stretched over two years and included extensive community engagement.

Emergency Preparedness Grant Funding Sought

The RDEK will submit a grant application to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for $194,416 for RDEK fire departments. Should the funding be approved, the proposed projects include new training props and improvements at the Baynes Lake training grounds, new training facilities for Panorama, Edgewater and Fairmont Fire Departments, upgrades to the WIndermere Fire Training Facility, and a wildland firefighting skid for the Hosmer Fire Department.

Letter of Support for Stewardship Partners

The RDEK will provide letter of support to the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners for use in future funding applications related to field surveys of species at risk, biodiversity hot spots, and important species and the role that hydrology plays in maintaining their habitats in the Columbia Wetlands.

Letter of Support for Access Management Plan

A letter of support will be provided to Columbia Basin Trust and the BC Real Estate Foundation for the Columbia Valley Recreation Access Management Plan.

Discretionary Grants in Aid (DGIA)

The following organizations will receive grants:

• The Waldo Stockbreeders Livestock Association will receive $500 from the Electoral Area A and $500 from the Electoral Area C DGIA accounts for its 80th anniversary celebrations.

• The Baynes Lake Community Society will receive $780.64 from the Electoral Area B DGIA account for maintenance costs associated with its Automated External Defibrilator (AED).

• The Columbia Valley Rockies Booster Society will receive $650 from the Electoral Area F and $350 from the Electoral Area G DGIA accounts for trainer room upgrades the Joint CV Rockies/WVMHA Concussion Program.

• The Toby Creek Nordic Ski Club will receive $1,500 from the Area F and $500 from the Electoral Area G DGIA accounts for its Junior Development Program expansion.

• The Columbia Valley Tourism Marketing Society will receive $2,500 from the Electoral Area F and $1,750 from the Electoral Area G DGIA accounts for the Columbia Valley Destination Marketing Organization Development.

Kimberley Bulletin