Hwy 1, by Griffin Lake, about 27 km west of Revelstoke, looking west. (DriveBC)

Hwy 1, by Griffin Lake, about 27 km west of Revelstoke, looking west. (DriveBC)

Highway 1 due to reopen around 2:30 p.m.

Avalanche control done but debris on the road

  • Dec. 21, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Though avalanche control is complete, Highway 1 between Revelstoke and Golden remains closed due to severe local weather conditions.

DriveBC is reporting debris on the highway due to the storm.

Highway 1 was closed since 4 a.m. Dec. 21 for avalanche control as a winter storm made it’s way through the region Thursday evening and Friday.

To the west of Revelstoke, DriveBC has a Travel Advisory in effect:

“Significant accumulations of snow are expected. Drivers should anticipate delays due to weather and possible closures for avalanche control throughout the corridor.”

Revelstoke Review