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Hiker injured on mountain near Peachland

A hiker was rescued this morning

1:38 p.m.

According to the Central Okanagan Search and Rescue (COSAR), the 46-year-old woman had reached the summit of the mountain when she slipped and broke her ankle.

“Firefighters packaged the woman and started carrying her down hill on a stretcher before they were met by COSAR,” according to a release. “The patient was transferred to the TrailRider and brought two kilometres to the waiting ambulance.”

Eleven firefighters and 11 COSAR volunteers attended the scene. The woman is now being treated in the Kelowna General Hospital.

12:31 p.m.

A woman was rescued this morning after injuring her ankle on Pincushion Mountain near Peachland.

COSAR along with the Peachland Fire Department were on scene this morning after the call was received around 8 a.m., according to fire chief Dennis Craig.

The woman is now at Kelowna General Hospital after injuring her leg at the mountain’s summit. She was successfully taken off the mountain at around 10:30 a.m.

More to come.

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