Hoo wouldn’t want to go to a Halloween party with Houdini?
The South Okanagan Rehab Centre for Owls (SORCO) is planning a special party Oct. 28 for 200 young goblins and ghouls who will have an opportunity to win prizes, get some great treats and have their photo taken with Houdini, the centre’s resident great horned owl.
Manager Dale Belvedere said there will be haunted rooms and some real scary games.
“One of them is a bucket full of cooked pasta and inside there are eyeballs (not real) and they have to reach in and if they get one of the eyeballs, they get a prize,” said Belvedere. “Really this the first time we’ve every done anything just for the kids. Sure they can come to the open house, but this just for them. Should be a lot of fun.”
Because of logistics of parking and room at the centre it was decided to limit the number of kids to 200.
Registration must be done in advance online at sorco@telus.net.
Other games will include bobbing for apples, pin the nose on the witch and golfing, which means knocking the ball into a pumpkin.
The party runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.