District of Hope flag (Photo/Adam Louis)

Hope Council preview for Feb. 8 meeting

Station House, Landstrom Road among topics of discussion

  • Feb. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The next regular District of Hope Council meeting is set to take place on Feb. 8, online via live broadcast on their Facebook page at 7 p.m.

The council will hear from the Coaltion for the Preservation of the Hope Station House. Arlene Webster is expected to ask council for a stay of demolition of the Station House for six months to give the Coalition more time to explore alternative uses and locations in preserving the 1916 building.

Council will hear from Fraser View Ventures as they ask district officials to waive the normal 12-month waiting period for re-application for a temporary use permit. This permit was discussed at length during the previous meeting; the permit would have allowed up to 20 RV units to reside on a parcel of land near Landstrom Road as an additional housing option for incoming Trans Mountain pipeline workers. Residents raised a number of concerns, including potential for COVID spread, wildfires, traffic concerns, noise pollution and damage to the feel of the neighbourhood.

The council denied the permit at the previous meeting on Jan. 25.

RELATED: Hope council denies permit for Landstrom Road temp worker housing

Hope CAO John Fortoloczky will deliver a verbal report delving more in-depth to potential flood mitigation projects. During the previous council meeting, LCI Engineering presented a flood mitigation study, which identified ten potential projects to curb flooding in the area. Council received and endorsed the report during the last meeting.

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