Hope sees three illicit overdose deaths so far in 2021

BC Coroners Service report lists Hope as fifth highest community of concern based on per capita rate

The numbers of illicit overdose deaths in each community have been released by the BC Coroners Service.

Hope has had three illicit overdose deaths so far in 2021. While the numbers are small compared to larger cities, it works out to a high rate per capita of 100 deaths per 100,000 people. That puts Hope in the fifth highest position, just below Merritt, Powell River, Enderby and Peace River South. Vancouver has had 160 deaths so far this year, at a rate of 68.5 per 100,000 people.

The BC Coroners Service report lists deaths from January to April 30. They update the numbers for local health authorities every four months.

For all of 2020, Hope had six fatal opioid overdoses, at a rate of 66.4 deaths per 100,000 people.

The report held other information about illicit overdose deaths across the province.

In May 2021, there were 160 suspected illicit drug toxicity deaths. This is the second largest number of suspected deaths ever recorded in the month of May (May 2020 had 177 deaths).

The number of illicit drug toxicity deaths in May 2021 equates to about 5.2 deaths per day. And in 2021, 70 per cent of those dying were aged 30 to 59. Males accounted for 80 per cent of deaths in 2021.

READ MORE: Hope’s high rate of drug overdose noted in BC Coroners Service report

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Hope Standard