BC NDP leader John Horgan, left, takes in murals in downtown Terrace during a campaign stop Sept. 26, alongside Nicole Halbauer, BC NDP candidate for the Skeena riding. (Jake Wray/Terrace Standard)

BC NDP leader John Horgan, left, takes in murals in downtown Terrace during a campaign stop Sept. 26, alongside Nicole Halbauer, BC NDP candidate for the Skeena riding. (Jake Wray/Terrace Standard)

Horgan makes campaign stop in Terrace and Kitimat

BC NDP leader met with local First Nations leaders, reiterated campaign promises

  • Sep. 26, 2020 12:00 a.m.

BC NDP leader John Horgan made a campaign stop in Terrace and Kitimat on Saturday, Sept. 26.

Nicole Halbauer, the local BC NDP candidate, joined Horgan on a tour of the Skeena riding.

The Terrace Standard met with Horgan as he toured downtown Terrace to check out the murals.

He said it was important for him to visit the area because it was once an NDP stronghold.

“Terrace and the riding of [Skeena] has been an NDP constituency for a long, long time, and, regrettably, we form a government for the first time in 16 years and we don’t have a representative [here] on the government’s side,” he said.

“I’ve always enjoyed my visits to the Northwest. It’s an important part of the province, with all the economic activity going on the coast.”

Horgan also visited Mills Memorial Hospital where he promised to ensure the hospital replacement project goes ahead.

He met with Eva Clayton, president of the Nisga’a Nation, and Kitsumkalum Chief Don Roberts.

In Kitimat, Horgan met with Crystal Smith, chief councillor of the Haisla Nation.

Terrace Standard