Hot, sunny days forecasted for Cariboo Chilcotin

Hot, sunny days forecasted for Cariboo Chilcotin

Saturday the daytime high is expected to reach 28C

Temperatures are expected to rise well above average for the next few days in the Cariboo and across much of the province.

Environment Canada is calling for daytime highs of 23C for Thursday and Friday in Williams Lake, with Saturday being the hottest day at 27C.

On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12, the weather will still be sunny but the heat starts to taper off with a daytime high of 23C.

Average high for this time of year is 15C, while the typical low is 2.2C.

The fire danger rating is considered “moderate” throughout much of the Cariboo Chilcotin.

A Category 2 open fire prohibition throughout the Cariboo Fire Centre begins at noon on Friday, May 10.

Read More: CFC announces Category 2 fire ban effective noon May 10

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Williams Lake Tribune