An ice volcano erupting on the shores of Okanagan Lake in Penticton. Photo courtesy of Doughlas DrouinAn ice volcano erupting on the shores of Okanagan Lake in Penticton. Photo courtesy of Doughlas Drouin

An ice volcano erupting on the shores of Okanagan Lake in Penticton. Photo courtesy of Doughlas DrouinAn ice volcano erupting on the shores of Okanagan Lake in Penticton. Photo courtesy of Doughlas Drouin

Ice volcanoes erupting on Okanagan Lake

Cold snap providing great subjects for photographers and videographers in the Okanagan

  • Feb. 12, 2019 12:00 a.m.

You might be grumbling about the cold snap in the Okanagan, but for some residents it produces some of the most majestic photos of the year.

Prolonged sub-zero temperatures have helped form natural sculptures on frozen lake shores. A gust of wind whips up the waves causing them to sprout from the ice volcanoes, like in the photo taken by Douglas Drouin above.

Ice forming on Okanagan Lake has also caused some beautiful scenery right behind the Penticton Lakeside Resort, otherwise known as “pancake ice.”

Have you captured photos or video of ice formations in the Okanagan? Email them to

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