Improved high-speed Internet coming to rural Okanagan

The B.C. government is investing $185,000 for a new connectivity project.

Improved high-speed Internet coming to rural Okanagan

Rural Okanagan residents and businesses will be better able to access faster Internet speeds, because of the B.C.government’s $185,000 investment for a new connectivity project.

Approximately 3,100 rural households and businesses will have better opportunities to learn, do business, access services and stay connected through ispeed Communications’ technology upgrades and network coverage expansion. ispeed’s project complements other Internet improvements being made by other Internet service providers operating in the region.

Communities and locales benefitting from this investment include Mara, Grindrod, Enderby, Trinity Valley, Armstrong, Parker Cove, Vernon, Coldstream, Lake Country, rural Kelowna, Ellison, rural West Kelowna, rural Peachland and Westside Road between Kelowna and Vernon.

As part of the #BCTECH Strategy, the provincial government recognizes the importance of improving high-speed Internet access provincewide.

“Rural and remote communities need access to the world’s most powerful tool to connect, learn, find information and compete in the global economy. High-speed Internet service should be available to everyone in the province, that’s why we’reinvesting in connectivity infrastructure through our #BCTECH Strategy,” said premier Christy Clark.

The province will be funding half of the $370,000 project through the Connecting British Columbia program, administered byNorthern Development Initiative Trust.

Connecting British Columbia is a $10-million grant program funded by the B.C. government to expand and upgrade broadband connections in rural and remote communities throughout the province. Since 2005, ispeed Communications has served the Central to Northern Okanagan with Internet access services.

The #BCTECH Strategy is a key component of the BC Jobs Plan to support the growth of B.C.’s vibrant technology sector and strengthen British Columbia’s diverse innovation economy. The multi-year strategy includes a $100-million BC Tech Fund and initiatives to increase talent development and market access for tech companies that will drive innovation and productivity throughout the province.

Under the Connecting British Columbia program, nearly $10 million has been allocated to more than 25 projects that will improve or expand Internet services in over 200 communities around the province. To date, more than 40,000 households have benefited through the Connecting British Columbia program.


Kelowna Capital News