The Strathcona Regional District is asking for Cortes Islanders’ input on their wildfire protection plan. Photo by Marc Kitteringham, Campbell River Mirror

The Strathcona Regional District is asking for Cortes Islanders’ input on their wildfire protection plan. Photo by Marc Kitteringham, Campbell River Mirror

Input wanted on Cortes Island fire protection plan

Survey open until Sept. 30

  • Aug. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Residents and property owners on Cortes Island have the chance to share their opinions on the island’s upcoming community wildfire protection and evacuation plans.

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) has a survey open to residents on the island that will be available online and mailed to Cortes addresses. Information received will help inform the development of the plans. After a draft of the plan is finished, community forums will be held that will help build community resilience and awareness about wildfires, and to ensure the process is developed continuously.

“Local knowledge is invaluable to the disaster planning process,” said SRD Board Chair Michele Babchuk. “Engaging a community in how it can prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies is more likely to result in decisions and outcomes the community is confident about and will act upon, and this in turn will support the work of disaster response agencies.”

Surveys can be submitted to the SRD by mail or online. Self-addressed return envelopes will be included in the packages sent to Cortes addresses. The online survey is available at the SRD website. All submissions must be received by September 30, 2020.

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marc.kitteringham@campbellrivermirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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