There is a real need for construction of further attainable housing such as that found at Brookside in Lake Cowichan. It’s in short supply right now but the new official community plan is looking at encouraging more of it. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette)

There is a real need for construction of further attainable housing such as that found at Brookside in Lake Cowichan. It’s in short supply right now but the new official community plan is looking at encouraging more of it. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette)

Interested in attainable housing at the Lake? This workshop on Feb. 21 is for you

Plans are moving ahead to improve the housing situation and you can add your ideas on Thursday

The Cowichan Lake area, like other parts of Vancouver Island, is going through a housing crisis.

Affordable housing, of all kinds, is nearly impossible to find, as more and more people move to the Island, drawn by its lifestyle and its, usually, milder weather.

And every day on Facebook, there are hopeful, or even desperate requests for help finding rental accommodation in one of the communities around the lake.

Now, the Cowichan Housing Association and Social Planning Cowichan are hosting a special workshop at the Riverside Inn in Lake Cowichan from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21 called Action Planning for Attainable Housing in Lake Cowichan & Region.

Organizers say it’s “aimed at moving the dial on affordable housing in the Cowichan Lake area and throughout the Cowichan Region.”

Throughout the later half of 2018, the Cowichan Housing Association and Social Planning Cowichan have been conducting housing research, consultations and interviews to develop a regional attainable housing strategy.

They’re working with their community partners at the Cowichan Lake Community Services on this session, which will present what has been learned and then invite comments from Lakers on how to develop an action plan.

Those present will also hear from the Cowichan Lake Elder Care Society about a local seniors’ housing project in the works.

Presenters Wayne Stinchcombe, Don Beldessi and Bob Day will speak about how the process has gone so far. Support is starting to come out of the woodwork and it’s time to get going, they say.

The workshop agenda will include: some background and update on the attainable housing strategy, a guest speaker presentation and questions, information about World Cafe housing action planning, and then talk about some next steps.

Everyone is welcome and the workshop is free. However, refreshments are going to be served, so if you and your friends plan to attend, organizers would like you to RSVP at Eventbrite so they can be sure to have enough refreshments.

For more information, contact Rosalie at or at 250-597-0172 ext. 109.

Lake Cowichan Gazette