Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School. File photo.

Interior Health confirms COVID-19 exposure at PSO

Contract tracers are reaching out to individuals

  • Jan. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Interior Health says there is a potential COVID-19 case at Peter Skene Ogden Secondary in 100 Mile House.

The potential exposure occurred Jan. 4-5, just as students returned to school after the Christmas break.

SD27 Supt. Chris van der Mark said the district is sending out letters to parents to inform them of the incident, but does not believe this is cause for significant concern for the community of 100 Mile House. He likened the incident to similar exposures at Lake City Secondary School in Williams Lake late last year, and doesn’t believe there will be any widespread transmission within PSO.

“This is not an unusual thing, I don’t think it’s anything that should raise concerns,” van der Mark said. “We know there have been instances of COVID in our respective communities. This is a good reminder for people to be extra vigilant on hygiene and our handwashing, to make sure we’re following all our processes as best we can to make sure we limit that type of exposure.”

Interior Health’s contact tracers were reaching out via phone to those students considered “close contacts” of the person in question, van der Mark said. The letters to families will outline any steps required.

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