Salvador Martinez gets his first vaccination at his work, Hytec Kohler, thanks to Interior Health providing a clinic at the industrial site near Vernon. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Interior Health youth poked and prompted to make vaccines trendy

Health region surpasses 425,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines

Interior Health is welcoming young people at COVID-19 vaccine clinics across the region this weekend, as the health authority surpasses 425,000 doses administered and the #journey2immunity continues.

This week, influencers from communities throughout the Interior have taken to social media to encourage friends, colleagues and neighbours to get vaccinated.

“I would like to thank each and every person who is helping us raise awareness and encourage people to register and schedule their vaccine appointment,” Interior Health president and CEO Susan Brown said. “Whether you’re a family influencer or community influencer, your efforts to share and promote our #journey2immunity campaign are greatly appreciated.”

As of Thursday, May 20, young people between 12 and 17 years old (born in 2009 or earlier) can now register and get vaccinated against COVID-19.

“I am getting my entire family registered, and all of my friends, too,” 18-year-old social media influencer Audrey Wittmann said. “Since this pandemic started, people my age and younger have wanted to do more to help fight COVID-19 and we want life to get back to normal. So I’m asking young people like me to get registered and vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Those with social media are urged to use it to promote vaccine registrations.

“This is our chance to make a real difference in the fight against COVID-19,” Kelowna business owner and elected official Loyal Wooldridge said. “It’s the chance we’ve all been waiting for to kick start economic recovery, get back to normal and enjoy a safe summer.”

The Interior’s vaccine rollout is a coordinated effort between Interior Health and the First Nations Health Authority. To date, immunizers across the region have delivered 404,726 first doses and 24,950 second doses, for a total of 429,676 doses.

To register for COVID-19 vaccine notifications visit, call 1-833-838-2323 or visit a Service BC office.

READ MORE: Nearly half of Central Okanagan adults have received first dose of COVID-19 vaccine

READ MORE: Canada’s COVID-19 efforts doubled over five weeks as daily cases drop

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Vernon Morning Star