Mayor Chernoff presents a gift on behalf of the city to Captain Rob Gordon.

Mayor Chernoff presents a gift on behalf of the city to Captain Rob Gordon.

Jazz pilot chooses Castlegar as final flight

Captain Rob Gordon ends his career with fight into Castlegar

Betsy Kline

Castlegar News




Air Canada Jazz pilot Captain Rob Gordon chose to make the last flight of his career one that would land in Castlegar. After 27 years of service, Gordon is retiring.

Fire Chief Gerry Rempel explained it was a sentimental choice. “He chose Castlegar as his last run as he thoroughly enjoyed the approach into our airport and this is where he first met his wife, also an airline employee at the time.”

Gordon had his family onboard and they were met with appropriate fanfare. After landing, he taxied the plane through a water arch provided by the Castlegar Fire Department. Local Air Canada Jazz employees and airport employees held a reception in his honour. Mayor Lawrence Chernoff was on hand to present a gift from the city and Pie in the Sky supplied a cake for all to enjoy.

Castlegar News