JCI Penticton members Rylan Hernberg and Margie Hibbard pass Pat between them. The doll is part of a long tradition with the service club, but has recently gone missing.

JCI Penticton members Rylan Hernberg and Margie Hibbard pass Pat between them. The doll is part of a long tradition with the service club, but has recently gone missing.

JCI Penticton looking for return of Pat

Pat has gone missing, and the Junior Chamber International is looking to the public to help locate their lost member.

Pat has gone missing, and the Junior Chamber International is looking to the public to help locate their lost member.

Pat might seem, at first sight, to be a small stuffed animal, but he (she?) has a long history with JCI Penticton, being passed from hand to hand over the course years as a symbol of their fellowship.

“We pass it around each month, so we can build stronger connections with each other,” said Tarik Sayeed, explaining how whoever is holding Pat has the responsibility to connect with another member over lunch or coffee, and pass the doll along.

“It means quite a lot for us,” said Sayeed, who admits that he was the one that misplaced Pat.

“I have to take the responsibility,” said Sayeed, who was elected to city council last November.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if I left it either at city hall or one of the events that I went to,” said Sayeed, noting that he lost track of Pat sometime in January or February.

Pat is a six-inch tall stuffed animal with rainbow fur, and its own JCI Penticton nametag. What kind of animal it is supposed to represent is a little harder to say, since it appears to sport a pig’s nose and a bull’s horns.

“I couldn’t quite figure it out myself,” said Sayeed.

Sayeed asks anyone with information on the whereabouts of Pat to contact the JCI at jcipenticton@hotmail.com and help Pat find his (her?) way home.


Penticton Western News