JFJV Kitimat has placed the first piece of the processing plant foundation. (Photo LNG Canada)

JFJV Kitimat has placed the first piece of the processing plant foundation. (Photo LNG Canada)

JFJV reduces commuter travel by approximately 90 per cent amid COVID-19

The contractor has also installed bird nesting deterrents at its LNG Canada Project site

  • Apr. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The JGC Fluor BC LNG Joint Venture (JFJV) team has reduced commuter travel by approximately 90 per cent to its Kitimat worksite, from around 1,000 per week to 50 per week, the contractor said in a April 2 media release highlighting the actions they are taking against COVID-19.

“LNG Canada and JGC Fluor continue to implement important measures to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus,” the release said. “As outlined in our previous COVID-19 response updates, we’re taking firm and prudent actions to promote the safety and well-being of our project’s workforce and the communities in which we live and operate.”

This includes the contractor being present at the District’s March 30 Council meeting (which was held remotely) to provide updates on the project’s COVID-19 risk mitigation plan and action. The project also reports as a member of the District of Kitimat-led COVID-19 emergency response committee.

READ MORE: LNG Canada to halve its Kitimat workforce

The company has also enacted a number of enhanced health screening measures for workers. Anyone coming into Kitimat is required to complete a COVID-19 self-assessment before leaving home. Additionally, health checks are required prior to boarding charter flights and complete health screenings (including temperature checks) are required upon arrival and departure at lodges. Any worker feeling unwell or showing symptoms is required to self-isolate at which point they will be subsequently assessed and monitored by the site medical support provider.

Site operations have also been to essential work only, with enhanced safety precautions that respect social distancing protocols put in place by the Province.

“Our approach remains aligned with the Government of Canada and Government of B.C. notices for construction sites. We continue to monitor the situation and will adjust our plans and actions as required,” the company said.

Unrelated to COVID-19, the site is also taking a number of preventative measures to protect migratory birds and deter them from nesting in construction zones.

The team has installed air cannons throughout the project site. They are programmed to operate daily from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and again from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The hope is that by enacting the preventative measures proactively it will help keep birds from leaving their nest due to unwanted noise or other subsequent conditions from the project site.

“Deterring nesting in the project zone decreases the potential for birds abandoning nests with eggs or chicks before they’ve fledged,” the company said in a release detailing the measures. “Prior to work commencing, environmental monitors will conduct surveys to ensure there are no active nests.”

The company has said that in the event an active bird nest is discovered an appropriate buffer zone will be established around it.

trevor.hewitt@interior-news.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Kitimat Northern Sentinel