The rates of infection per 100,000 people by municipality from Jan.1 to July 31, according to BC Centre for Disease Control data.

The rates of infection per 100,000 people by municipality from Jan.1 to July 31, according to BC Centre for Disease Control data.

Joint statement urging adherence to COVID-19 safety protocols, released by City of Abbotsford, Fraser Health

Abbotsford has had 454 infections since pandemic began, 3rd highest rate in Lower Mainland

  • Aug. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Abbotsford residents are being urged to adhere to the provincial health authority’s COVID-19 safety protocols, after Friday’s record breaking 124 new cases.

The City of Abbotsford, Mayor Henry Braun and Fraser Health released a joint statement, reminding citizens to practise physical distancing, hygiene protocols, and follow the advice of Dr. Henry and the health authorities.

“The high number of local COVID cases released this week by Dr. Henry are an important reminder for everyone in Abbotsford,” Braun said. “We cannot be too diligent, especially as we go into September and the fall months. It is vital that we continue to work toward achieving a balance of restarting our activities while protecting our most vulnerable by doing our best to keep ourselves and those we care about safe.

“It’s also crucial that we refrain from gathering together in large groups and keep our social bubbles small.”

Fraser Health has seen 285 new infections since Aug. 20.

Abbotsford has had the second highest rate of infection in the Lower Mainland since the pandemic began, according to the BC Centre for Disease Control

There have been 454 cases in cumulative date collected from Jan. 1, 2020 to July 31. It’s a rate only topped by Surrey and Vancouver, with over 500 cases each. Those regions have much higher populations than Abbotsford, and a lower per-capita rate of infection.

RELATED: More than 450 Abbotsford residents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 so far in 2020

City of Abbotsford bylaw officers, the Abbotsford Police Department and other provincial agencies will be patrolling to “ensure education and compliance with Provincial Health Orders related to COVID-19,” according to the joint statement.

“This includes ticketing groups who are gathering unsafely under the updated COVID-19 Related Measures Act.”

“If invited to an event, they should ask the host what COVID-19 safety measures are in place,” said Fraser Health medical health officer Dr. Aamir Bharmal. “Wear a mask whenever you cannot keep a safe distance from others and wash your hands. We all have a role in reducing COVID-19 transmission in our communities.”

RELATED: B.C.’s COVID-19 case count jumps to a record 124 on Friday

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