Firefighters from station three recently bought a young boy a new bicycle lock after his bike was stolen. (Photo - Capital News)

Firefighters from station three recently bought a young boy a new bicycle lock after his bike was stolen. (Photo - Capital News)

Kelowna firefighters give back to young boy who had bike stolen

The Kelowna Fire department from C shift, station 3 visited the boy

  • Oct. 8, 2019 12:00 a.m.

It could have been a story with an unfortunate end, however Kelowna firefighters had a different idea.

Last week, members from station three heard a young boy named Griffin had his favourite bike stolen.

Instead of doing nothing, members from shift C jumped into action and decided to buy Giffin a new lock, making him a very happy kid.

“We are proud to help in our community,” stated the firefighters in a post on Instagram.

“We wish him and his family all the best.”

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