Redevelopment plan proposal for the current Capri Centre site.

Redevelopment plan proposal for the current Capri Centre site.

Kelowna mall redevelopment includes 8 high-rises

Capri Centre proposal seeks city council's endorsement

The Kelowna planning department is endorsing a redevelopment proposal for the Capri Centre site.

The proposal for the 20-acre site would include seven residential towers up to 22 storeys in height, one landmark tower at 26 storeys and a maximum residential building height of six storeys along Harvey Avenue.

Townhome and ground-oriented units would be permitted along street borders while a new outdoor ice rink surrounded by a park that doubles as an amphitheatre in the summer is proposed along with commercial service space including for a large grocery store.

Pedestrian pathways would also connect throughout the site—bordered by Harvey Avenue, Sutherland Avenue, Capri Street and Gordon Drive—and an additional urban park is planned for the southwest corner of the property.

The master development plan will allow tracking of multiple phases of the development to ensure that zoning requirements such as amenities, pedestrian linkages, parking, landscaping and vehicle accesses are met.

The property is owned by RG Properties Ltd., with the Burnaby-based firm ICR Projects Inc. hired to oversee the project’s development.

“Staff anticipate the applicant will bring forth changes and revisions to the Master DP as their development evolves over the long-term build-out of the project,” said the planning report to council prepared by staff planner Trisa Atwood and reviewed by urban planning manager Terry Barton.

Called the Harvey Avenue Urban Edge, that aspect of the development would focus on lower form buildings for office and retail space, creating pedestrian connections and a continuous streetwall.

The northwest corner fronting Gordon and Harvey will feature smaller retail units, and a transit interchange to service two significant transit routes.

Retention of the Coast Capri Hotel will be within the commercial core, west of Gordon Avenue, and include the single highest 26-storey residential tower, with its specific form and design guidelines to be evaluated when a building proposal is submitted to the city.

The south and east corridors of the property will have the largest concentration of residential towers flanked by townhome clusters.

City council will vote on the proposal at Monday’s afternoon council meeting.

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