Kelowna resident retaliates after neighbourhood harassment

Kelowna resident retaliates after neighbourhood harassment

Kane Blake is selling his house with a unique sign to warn potential buyers

This story has mature language.

Kane Blake is at his wit’s end.

After constant harassment from a neighbour and concern for his children’s safety, he decided to sell his house.

In his front yard sits a sign which reads “Home for Sale, by Owner, Because Neighbor is an Asshole.”

The Kelowna resident said bylaw and RCMP are constantly at his house, located in Springvalley, because of an unruly neighbour who has been harassing most of the neighbourhood.

He created the $40 sign to retaliate, saying he’s tried being kind and ignoring the neighbour, but the harassment has continued since his family moved in five years ago.

The neighbour was caught taking photos of Blake’s house, which has him concerned for his underaged children, he said.

“My kids won’t even walk to school, they’re terrified.”

The RCMP and the city have also done nothing, he said.

“I was already dealing with bylaw this morning, on two separate things,” he said. “They don’t go away and neither does the RCMP, they may as well put the detachments in our neighbourhood.”

Blake said other neighbours have been encouraging of the sign and he’s received positive feedback from them.

Since the sign’s creation three days ago, he’s had two offers on the house because of it.


Kelowna Capital News