Kelowna, what do you look for in a mayoral candidate?

Black Press reporter Matthew Abrey hit the streets to ask the question

  • May. 25, 2018 12:00 a.m.

By Matthew Abrey

With Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran announcing earlier this week he is running for re-election in the fall, it seems to be official—civic election season is here in the Central Okanagan.

Ballots won’t be filled out until Oct. 20, but brace yourself for the months ahead, which will surely be filled with campaign events, the slow introduction of election signs with smiling local faces, and, of course, a whole lot of promises on how various candidates would improve our municipalities.

So we were curious. What do Kelowna residents look for in a mayoral candidate?

We sent Matthew Abrey out on the streets of downtown Kelowna to ask the question.

Let us know in the comments below what you look for in a candidate.

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