Left to right: Arley Whiteway, Ken Smith, Cec Rempel and Derek Fryer serve up hot dogs at a Kiwanis Children’s Christmas party. (Submitted photo)

Left to right: Arley Whiteway, Ken Smith, Cec Rempel and Derek Fryer serve up hot dogs at a Kiwanis Children’s Christmas party. (Submitted photo)

Kiwanis Club of Sardis recognized as best in Pacific Northwest region

The Chilliwack club is small in numbers, but big in accomplishments, winning the Governor's Challenge

There are 282 Kiwanis Clubs in the region that includes British Columbia, Alaska, Washington State, Oregon and California and a local club was the best of them all in 2018-19.

The Kiwanis Club of Sardis won the Governor’s Challenge, which recognizes achievements in growth and community involvement.

The Kiwanis Club of Sardis received the award from former Kiwanis Pacific Northwest governor Jerry Deas.

“Our leadership team was a magical group of hard-working individuals who were always looking to better our club, both internally and within our community,” said Michelle Savich, who served as president of the Sardis club in 2018-19.

The Sardis club actually has only 34 members, but they get a ton done.

If you attended the Chilliwack Fair, you’ll have seen them serving as parking attendants, bringing in $14,000 in donations that was funneled right back into the community.

They are the people behind the annual Operation Red Nose campaign, offering rides at Christmas time to people who otherwise might drive while impaired. That program generated $20,000 through donations.

A Builder’s Club was created at Mt. Slesse middle school, to let kids help kids in a positive manner. The club made over a 100 wash kits for Ann Davis to distribute through donations.

“We support Key Clubs at G.W. Graham and Sardis, with GWG’s Key Club being recognized as the top high school service club,” Savich added. “We also have our scholarships, giving out 14k in bursaries to graduating students, and our Super-Reader program celebrates literacy in almost every elementary school.”

“We are always looking for new service projects in our community.”

For more info see www.chwksardiskiwanis.org/kiwanis-club-of-chilliwack.html or visit them on Instagram at @sardiskiwanis

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