The Boys Division 4 Relay participants are pictured at the podium during the Kootenay Regional Competition that took place August 3 and 4 in Castlegar (KSSC file).

The Boys Division 4 Relay participants are pictured at the podium during the Kootenay Regional Competition that took place August 3 and 4 in Castlegar (KSSC file).

KSSC swimmers qualify for provincials at the Kootenay Regional Swim Meet

Three Kimberley swimmers will move on to the provincial competition.

  • Aug. 19, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Kimberley Seahorse Swim Club sent 15 swimmers to the Kootenay Regional Swim Meet on August 3 and 4, 2019, in Castlegar, British Columbia. Attending teams included: Castlegar, Trail, Colville, Creston, Nelson, Grand Forks, and Kimberley.

Pam Drydale of KSSC explained that athletes throughout the region have been competing since the middle of May.

“These athletes were ready for this meet and this competition. Kimberley swimmers continued to turn in best times, and many of our swimmers qualified for provincials in individual invents, and almost all the seahorse qualified for provincials in one relay,” she said.

Individual provincial qualifiers include: Brooklyn Burki, Ariana Drydale, Kenna Drydale, Oscar Jarvis, Ella Kalin, Brooke Stopanski, Luke Stopanski, and Jeremy Woods.

The Kimberley Seahorse Swim Club Wished good luck to Brooke Burki, Ella Kalin and Oscar Jarvis as they headed off to provincials in Kamloops on August 16-18, 2019.

“We are so very proud of all of our provincial qualifiers, and our provincial attendees,” said Drydale.

Kimberley Bulletin