Ladysmith’s Downtown Public Washroom project has been selected as a semi-finalist for a $15,000 grant from FortisBC to fund community driven projects in the province.
The grant is presented annually at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) convention, which occurs at the end of September. If the project receives funding, it will push the project $15,000 closer to construction.
The Downtown Public Washroom project was initiated by the Ladysmith Kinsmen and has support from other service clubs, such as Rotary, the Eagles, Lions, as well as businesses, the Ladysmith Downtown Business Assoc. the Chamber, David Stalker Excavating and others.
“This shows that projects such as the washrooms, that are whole community backed are recognized by corporations and are very valuable assets of small towns,” Duck Paterson of the Ladysmith Kinsmen said.
While Ladysmith awaits a possible funding announcement, Town Council voted to extend the rental of the temporary downtown public washroom at the September 15 Regular Council Meeting. The current washroom will remain in place until construction on the permanent facility commences. The Town previously stated that the washroom would be removed at the end of September.