Lake Babine Nation (LBN) held its eighteenth annual general assembly (AGA) last week at the Margaret Patrick Memorial Hall in Burns Lake

Lake Babine Nation (LBN) held its eighteenth annual general assembly (AGA) last week at the Margaret Patrick Memorial Hall in Burns Lake

Lake Babine Nation holds AGA

Lake Babine Nation (LBN) held its eighteenth annual general assembly (AGA) last week at the Margaret Patrick Memorial Hall in Burns Lake

  • Nov. 7, 2016 6:00 p.m.

Lake Babine Nation (LBN) held its eighteenth annual general assembly (AGA) last week at the Margaret Patrick Memorial Hall in Burns Lake. Chief Wilf Adam said LBN is in a good financial standing. He also said LBN will focus on improving communications between council and citizens from now on. In addition, he said 2017 will be a tough year because salmon return is expected to be significantly low. John Rustad, Minister of Aboriginal Relations, and Shane Gottfriedson, Regional Chief of the B.C. Assembly of First Nations, also spoke during the AGA.


Burns Lake Lakes District News