As seen in this picture from 2018, Cowichan Lake folks are always generous at the fire department Christmas toy drive. This year, the event is held Dec. 13-14. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette file)

As seen in this picture from 2018, Cowichan Lake folks are always generous at the fire department Christmas toy drive. This year, the event is held Dec. 13-14. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette file)

Lake Cowichan fire department back with annual toy and food drive on Dec. 13-14

As Lake area gets ready to fill Christmas hampers, firefighters call for donations of toys and food

Lake Cowichan fire department is again running its annual food and toy drive in support of the Cowichan Lake Community Services’ Christmas hampers.

On Friday, Dec. 13 and Saturday, Dec. 14 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., firefighters will be set up outside Country Grocer and will be accepting cash, new unwrapped toys for kids from newborn to 18 years and also non-perishable food.

Hot dogs and pop will be served, by donation.

The drive will resume on Saturday morning, Dec. 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Also on Dec. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in front of Country Grocer, members of the fire department will be making a breakfast of sausages and pancakes for donations of cash and non-perishable foods.

All the breakfast proceeds will go to the Lake Cowichan food bank.

Firefighter Steve Johnson says, “We’ve been running the food and toy drive for the past 11 years and have raised $31,550.14 along with tons of toys and food. And the breakfast for the past six years has raised $4,025.80 plus food.”

It’s been great to get into the spirit of Christmas this way, he said, adding, “We just felt that there was a real need to help out the Community Services Christmas hampers. No one wants a child or their families to go without at this time of year, or anytime for that matter. Cowichan Lake Community Services and their volunteers do an outstanding job of organizing this event. All firefighters like to help others, that’s why we’ve become firefighters, it’s part of the job. The community supports us so we support the community.”

lexi.bainas@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Lake Cowichan Gazette