Are you lacking the energy you need to live the life you want? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?
Twenty-four per cent of patients seeing their G.P. report that they experience prolonged fatigue. Come and learn proven strategies to unleash your inner vitality. Dr. Deidre Macdonald, naturopathic physician, will discuss the hidden causes of fatigue and powerful methods to overcome them with naturopathic medicine.
On Monday, June 13 at 7 p.m. join Macdonald at the Crown Isle clubhouse for a seminar entitled “Fighting Fatigue with Naturopathic Medicine.” All proceeds will be donated to Comox Valley Transition Society, which provides a safe house and programs for women and children who experience domestic violence.
Topics will include: how to reduce your stress and improve your sleep, important information regarding thyroid and hormonal disorders, foods that boost energy, foods that zap energy, how blood sugar crashes contribute to burn out, and more proven, safe methods to improve your energy naturally.
Fatigue can be caused by so many physical and emotional factors that it is crucial to do the medical investigation necessary to determining the underlying cause. Naturopathic physicians approach patients with fatigue by doing a thorough evaluation, including detailed medical history, laboratory testing and physical exam.
Sometimes fatigue can be the first symptom of serious diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease or anti-immune disorders. Many more people are tired from imbalances in the body such as hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), adrenal exhaustion, food allergies, intestinal yeast overgrowths, anemia, and more.
Psychological states such as anxiety and depression can contribute to fatigue, but all physical causes should be ruled out before psychological causes are said to be at the root of one’s low energy. For instance, low thyroid function can cause depression and anxiety. That said, chronic psychological stress can have profound physical implications. Stress hormones can deplete the adrenal glands, exacerbate hypoglycemia, lower thyroid function and deplete vital neurotransmitters.
For more information or to book a free 15-minute consultation with Macdonald, contact her office at 897-0235 or check out
— Dr. Deidre Macdonald