Lights, camera, action at Enderby city hall

City hall closed to the public today as it’s used for interior shots for movie, which stars Anthony Hopkins and Ray Liotta

The people’s business is being interrupted by star power in Enderby.

City hall will be closed to the public today as it’s being used for interior shots for the movie Go With Me, which stars Anthony Hopkins and Ray Liotta.

“They were looking at a variety of spots and they saw city hall and they thought it would be an ideal location,” said Tate Bengtson, Enderby’s chief administrative officer.

While residents won’t be able to access city hall today, the answering service will monitor all incoming calls and forward them to the appropriate department.

Regular public works and parks and recreation services will not be interrupted.

“We’ve structured things to try and minimize the impact to the public as much as possible,” said Bengtson.

Staff members who are unable to work because of filming have voluntarily agreed to take today as a holiday so there is no additional cost to the city.

And city hall is being provided to producers for free.

“Enderby is being looked at as an important place for films and we want to demonstrate our willingness to make film shoots easy,” said Bengston.

Enderby hosted a George Clooney film last year and Go With Me is being produced by Rick Dugdale who grew up in the community.

It’s believed the interior shots from city hall will be paired up with exterior shots of another Enderby building during the film.

City staff will be present today for security but Bengtson says no employees have been asked to be extras.


“I don’t think I’m made for film,” he joked when asked if he would have a starring role.



Vernon Morning Star