The Trust invites you to join the conversation and share your thoughts on how your community and the Basin can be a great place to live, work and play in the future. Photo Submitted

The Trust invites you to join the conversation and share your thoughts on how your community and the Basin can be a great place to live, work and play in the future. Photo Submitted

Live, work and play in the Columbia Basin

The Columbia Basin Trust is seeking public input on their management plan

  • Mar. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is seeking public input on its management plan in order to have residents help shape how we live, work and play in the area.

“Such an incredible part of the Trust’s creation 25 years ago was the incredible grassroots engagement undertaken with people of the Basin,” said Johnny Strilaeff, CBT president and chief executive officer. “This is a time to celebrate the legacy of that engagement, to reflect on our shared history and to imagine our future together in the Basin. I am excited to hear the dreams and ideas that people bring forward and I know they will be as powerful as those of the past.”

The work that CBT does in the area is guided by the Columbia Basin Management Plan, which is developed in collaboration with all people who live in the Columbia Basin. With input collected over the next several months, the CBT will update the management plan to include feedback from residents. It’s also hoping that the input gathered during various community meetings will help them to renew its focus areas.

The public engagement period is open as of February 25 and will include both online engagement and several community meetings. This engagement period will stay open until the end of June and the new management plan is expected to be released in early 2021.

There will be community meetings across the Elk Valley and South Country, including a meeting at the Jaffray Community Hall on March 30, one at the Seniors Centre in Fernie on March 31, the Sparwood Seniors Centre on May 12, and the Elkford Teck Hall on May 13.

All meetings will begin with an open house from 2-6 p.m. and will be followed by a guided conversation from 6-8 p.m.

As well as the various community meetings, there will also be symposia in Golden and Trail in October 2020. For those who are unable to attend the meetings, feedback can be provided online at or by phone at 1-800-505-8998.

“We invite everyone, of all backgrounds, interests and ages, to participate in the online conversation and to join us at the community meetings,” said Strilaeff. “All levels of participation are welcome. Drop by for a quick chat, stay for the facilitated session or have your say online. Let’s imagine our future together.” Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

The Free Press