Kamloops This Week
There are 89,964 registered voters in the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding.
Of those, 59,935 cast a ballot in the federal election.
That’s a voter turnout of 63.3 per cent, historically low, but better than this election’s national voter turnout of 61.4 per cent which, while a slight bit higher than the 2008 election’s all-time low of 58.8 per cent, is still the third-lowest turnout in Canadian history.
In fact, the three lowest voter-turnout elections – 58.8 per cent in 2008; 60.9 per cent in 2004 and 61.4 per cent on May 2 – have all occurred in three of the last four elections.
The 1958 election featured the largest voter turnout in Canadian history, when 79.4 per cent of registered voters cast ballots.