Pelle Gustavs, back in 2009, rides extreme on the big tables in Whistler.

Pelle Gustavs, back in 2009, rides extreme on the big tables in Whistler.

Looking Back – July 24

A look through the archives at the Sooke News Mirror

  • Jul. 24, 2013 5:00 a.m.

A look through the Sooke News Mirror’s archives to see what made the news in years past.


July 23, 2008

T’Sou-ke Nation to go solar

The T’Sou-ke First Nation learned Friday it had been awarded provincial funding in the amount of $400,000 for the installation of solar power equipment on its territory.

Councillor Colleen George, on behalf of the bank, expressed “excitement” over the news the application had been accepted.

Expected energy savings will contribute the the T’Sou-ke First Nations plans to build a second solar power generating unit.


July 23, 2003

Act of God triggers meltdown

A Sooke resident wants homeowners to be aware that when “acts of God” rain down, the best protection is a well-stacked insurance policy.

After a brief power outage struck about 2,000 Sooke homes on the morning of May 16, Sue Tremblay discovered that her computer had changed into a “piece of plastic.”

“It was 100 per cent totally melted by the power surge,” Tremblay said of her $1,500 computer. Even though she had a quality surge protector, it didn’t work for what Tremblay characterized as a “brownout.” And because she didn’t have additional coverage on her insurance protecting her computer equipment, Tremblay was left high and dry.


July 22, 1998

Over 1,800 Girl Guides SOAR’ing to Camp Barnard this weekend.

They had to sell a lot of Girl Guide cookies to get here, but about 1,800 girls will descent into Sooke for a week-long campout at Camp Barnard.

The Spirit of Outdoor Adventure Rendezvous (SOAR) is intended to bring girls between the ages of 12-17 together to exchange friendships and expand their appreciation for the environment.

They will also get a chance to explore Southern Vancouver Island and squeeze in some service projects around Camp Barnard, which they rented from the Greater Victoria Region Scouts for the week.


July 21, 1993

Residents want pool, but are they willing to pay $86 annually?

The Sooke Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission (SEAPARC) knows Sooke wants a pool.

What they don’t know is if its residents will be willing to pay for it.

SEAPARC will be basing their decision in part on the findings of a committee of interested citizens formed last year.

The committee’s report, released July 12, indicates a clear majority of Sooke area residents would both use, and support a pool. However, it is unclear at what level the taxpayers would be willing to subsidize it.


July 20, 1988

Otter Shoes is a family concern

Renee Chiasson said she “worked everywhere” in Sooke before getting into the thing that she wanted to to the most — running her own business.

And as the youthful proprietor of Otter Shoes, on Otter Point Road, the 1986 Edward Milne community school graduate is having the time of her life learning all about operating her own business.

And so far, she says she’s doing very well.

Sooke News Mirror