Lots to learn during film night at Lake Cowichan

Twenty local people and five Transition Cowichan people from Duncan area met to view and discuss films on the construction of BC’s first wind farm near Dawson Creek, and the special period in Cuba while Cuban people adjusted to a severe reduction in oil supplies and international markets.

  • Feb. 7, 2011 9:00 a.m.
Mayor Ross Forrest explains towns approach to a sustainable community. Next to him is Susan Smith of Transition Cowichan.

Mayor Ross Forrest explains towns approach to a sustainable community. Next to him is Susan Smith of Transition Cowichan.

Twenty local people and five Transition Cowichan people from Duncan area met to view and discuss films on the construction of BC’s first wind farm near Dawson Creek, and the special period in Cuba while Cuban people adjusted to a severe reduction in oil supplies and international markets.

Transition Cowichan is a volunteer initiative working to empower our community to build resilience in the face of the challenges of global warming, accelerating climate change, peak oil increasing inequality and global economic instability.

Participants heard from the Lake Cowichan mayor Ross Forrest that council is learning a great deal about creating sustainable communities, and that he is going to a conference on this topic this week.

A common message between the two movies was the need for communities to get together to act on shared opportunities. People can get more information from www.transitioncowichan.org.

Lake Cowichan Gazette