White Rock resident Cory Wilkinson won $75,000 on a BC/49 ticket. (BCLC photo)

White Rock resident Cory Wilkinson won $75,000 on a BC/49 ticket. (BCLC photo)

Lottery win ‘doesn’t feel real’ for White Rock man

$75,000 BC/49 ticket purchased at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre

A White Rock man who won $75,000 on a BC/49 draw last month originally thought he was the butt of some type of cruel joke.

“At first, I didn’t believe it and looked around to see if someone was… playing a prank,” said Cory Wilkinson, who checked his ticket at a lottery kiosk on his day off.

• READ ALSO: Surrey man wins $1M on Canada Day

“It still doesn’t feel real. It’s really hard to explain. It feels different.”

The winning ticket was purchased at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre.

Wilkinson said he plans to wait a bit before deciding what to do with his winnings.

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