A truck driver unknowingly took out a low hanging wire on Mitchell Street on Wednesday. The fallen line was reported to the Oak Bay Fire Department and shut down traffic on Mitchell temporarily. A B.C. Hydro employee quickly confirmed it was a cable line and not power. (Travis Paterson/News Staff)

A truck driver unknowingly took out a low hanging wire on Mitchell Street on Wednesday. The fallen line was reported to the Oak Bay Fire Department and shut down traffic on Mitchell temporarily. A B.C. Hydro employee quickly confirmed it was a cable line and not power. (Travis Paterson/News Staff)

Low-hanging cable line hit on Mitchell Street

Line likely struck by a truck driver

Oak Bay Fire Department said a truck driver was likely the culprit for hitting an already low-hanging cable line on Mitchell Street around 2 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon.

The fallen line was reported and both the fire department and Oak Bay Police responded and closed Mitchell Street temporarily.

B.C. Hydro visited shortly after to confirm it was a cable line and not for power.

Last summer a food delivery truck backed into a similarly low-hanging cable line in the Willows Tea Room parking lot.

READ ALSO: Oak Bay couple on Mitchell Street paying $6,000 for speculation tax believes retirees are targeted unfairly


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