Magic! will happen in Kelowna on Summer Solstice

Toronto-bred four-piece to play Waterfront Park on June 21

  • Jun. 17, 2019 12:00 a.m.
Magic! will take its reggae-pop hits to Waterfront Park this Friday to kickoff summer on the right note. (Magic!)

Magic! will take its reggae-pop hits to Waterfront Park this Friday to kickoff summer on the right note. (Magic!)

Whether you believe in magic or not, the musical group Magic!, known for hits such as Rude and Kiss Me, is bringing their reggae-pop tunes to Kelowna this Friday.

On June 21, the Toronto-bred band that now calls Los Angeles home will take over the stage at Waterfront Park to kick off summer on the solstice.

The park will only be open to ticket holders starting at 3 p.m. on Friday. The southwest bay of the Dolphins Parking Lot will be closed to the public from 6 a.m. until midnight. The north end of Tugboat Beach will be accessible through Rotary Marsh Park off of Sunset Drive.

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Load-in for the show will start Thursday at noon, but City of Kelowna outdoor events coordinator Sarah Semeniuk expects little disruption to park users at that time.

Kelowna residents and concertgoers can help reduce traffic and parking congestion but taking the bus, calling a cab, riding a bicycle or using other modes of active transportation.

Tickets for Magic! are $49.50 in advance or $65 at the door.

Kelowna Capital News