Male gives up his beer

Male gives up his beer

At 9:15 am on May the 12th a concerned citizen phoned police to report a possible impaired driver.  A member of the Clearwater RCMP located and stopped the vehicle.  After observing open liquor in the vehicle the member entered into an impaired driving investigation.  It turned out that the driver had not consumed any liquor (yet) but had a case of beer on ice in a cooler on the passenger floor.  He was given an option of dumping out the liquor on his own, or receiving a violation ticket for open liquor and have his alcohol seized and destroyed.  He made the wise decision to dump his beer out roadside.  The law clearly states that a person can not have liquor in a vehicle in reach of the driver.  If the cooler had been locked safely in the trunk it would not have been an issue.  The driver was allowed to carry on his way without his beer.

Nuisance dogs

Recently, the Clearwater RCMP have been receiving an unacceptable number of complaints from residents in the area that are having problems with dogs.  There are several instances of dogs running at large, making a mess in other peoples yards, or being aggressive.  There have even been cases where they have attacked people or other animals.

We would like to remind all pet owners that you are responsible for your animals actions.  If a dog attacks someone, it can be designated as a dangerous dog and seized.  The owner of the dog could be on the hook for thousands of dollars for damage or injury the dog has caused.

It is not a lot to ask of someone to keep their dog in their own yard.  Please respect your neighbors.


Clearwater Times