The river channel north of Osoyoos Lake where a man and his dog were rescued on April 19. (Google Maps)

Man and dog rescued from Osoyoos river channel

The man had driven his Jeep into the river off of the dike

  • Apr. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

An Osoyoos man and his dog were pulled out of the water north of Osoyoos on April 19 after driving off the road.

Osoyoos RCMP responded to the call at 10:24 a.m. along with other emergency services from Osoyoos and Oliver.

The man had driven his Jeep off of a dike roadway and into the river channel at the north end of Osoyoos Lake.

The man and his dog were uninjured, though the man was transported to the hospital for a medical assessment while his dog was secured with local animal control.

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