Man attacked by bear in Mission

Man was swiped by a bear while walking along a trail

  • Jul. 12, 2013 6:00 a.m.
A man was attacked by a bear on Thursday evening in Mission.

A man was attacked by a bear on Thursday evening in Mission.

A man was attacked by a bear at around 8 p.m. on Thursday evening near Mission.

Elias Hart was walking along a trail near Cedar Valley Connector and 6th Avenue. The bear swept the back of his legs and knocked him to the ground.

“As I got up to turn around and run again, he kept chasing me and chasing me.”

Hart managed to get up and run towards a fence with the bear chasing him. When he made it to a busy road the bear did not follow.

Hart said he thought he “was done.”

“It’s craziness. You don’t hear about that stuff in the city. You hear about bear attacks out in the forest, but not in the city.”

Cody Ambrose, a conservation officer, said they had not yet been able to locate the bear. He said it is a rare occurrence to be swiped at by a single bear, and said it is best to avoid such trails at night.

Hart was attended to by paramedics and had no serious injuries.

Mission City Record