Man attacked for iPad near University Heights

A young Japanese man, living in Canada on a work permit, was assaulted Tuesday night after getting off a bus near University Heights.

A young Japanese man, living in Canada on a work permit, was assaulted Tuesday night after getting off a bus near University Heights.

Saanich police say the incident occurred just before midnight, when the 22-year-old disembarked the bus at Cedar Hill Road and McKenzie Avenue. He was followed off the bus by a passenger who had a conversation with the victim just moments earlier.

“He was attacked from behind, with no warning whatsoever, thrown on the ground, and kicked and punched,” Sgt. Dean Jantzen said.

The suspect repeatedly demanded the victim’s iPad, and threatened him if he didn’t comply.

The Japanese man was able to defend himself, and kicked and punched the attacker away, before running across the street. The suspect followed, and attacked again, and the victim was able to break free again, and get to the Safeway at University Heights, where he called police.

“It’s a very disturbing incident in our community – that a guest in our country is treated in this manner,” Jantzen said. “The fact that (the suspect) had engaged the victim in conversation on the bus shows some forethought, some planning went into this.”

The suspect is described as a white man with long blond hair and a blond beard that comes to a point roughly two inches below his chin. He was wearing a dark hoodie, long pants and possibly had on grey Nike shoes. It is believed he is a smoker.

Jantzen said the Japanese man suffered scrapes, cuts and bruises to his knees and face during the attack. The suspect did not make off with any stolen property.

Police are asking anyone with information about this incident to call them at 250-475-4321.


Saanich News