(THE NEWS/files)School District No. 42 will receive almost $2.5 million from the Ministry of Education for maintaining facility assets.

(THE NEWS/files)School District No. 42 will receive almost $2.5 million from the Ministry of Education for maintaining facility assets.

Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows funding for school upgrades

Money to come from annual facilities grant from Ministry of Education

Roofing and energy efficiency upgrades are two of the biggest expenditures for the local school district after receiving its annual facility grant from the Ministry of Education.

School District No. 42 will receive almost $2.5 million to put towards maintaining facility assets from premature deterioration.

The projects must be undertaken between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020.

Westview secondary, Golden Ears elementary and the Arthur Peake Centre will be undergoing roofing work at a total cost of $1,220,000.

Irena Pochop, with the school district, said that Westview will be having part of the school’s roof replaced.

The other two schools will also be undergoing either a partial or full roof replacement.

Energy efficiency upgrades will be done at various schools and that is expected to cost $470,000 total.

Work will include a mix of lighting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning upgrades, said Pochop.

The upgrades fall under the school district’s Strategic Energy Management Plan.

Classroom wall carpet removal will be taking place at various schools, costing the district $100,000, while lino and carpet replacement will cost another $90,000.

Maple Ridge secondary will be getting its track resurfaced for $100,000, as well as an upgrade to lighting controls for $45,000 and general building improvements, $12,000.

Both Edith McDermott elementary and Whonnock elementary will have exteriors painted, costing $38,336.

The Riverside Centre will be getting a $20,000 ventilation upgrade.

Alexander Robinson elementary and Edith McDermott elementary will be getting a fire alarm and PA system upgrades, costing $20,000.

Garibaldi secondary will be getting a plumbing upgrade for $25,000.

That work will take place in Garibaldi secondary’s auto shop area, where Pochop said it was discovered, after district-wide water quality testing, that a number of sinks showed elevated lead levels prior to flushing.

Boiler upgrades and duct cleaning will take place at various schools, costing $60,000, along with hazardous materials assessments, costing $93,000.

There will be $80,000 spent on tech infrastructure and another $22,497 spent on gym floor refinishing.

And some schools will also be getting a coat of paint inside, costing $23,954.

An additional $80,000 will be spent on paving.

The remaining $44,051 is retained by the ministry to continue funding of the Capital Asset Management Services.

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