The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia supplies a lot of interesting information, not the least of which is statistics on which intersections have the most collisions in every B.C. municipality.
So what’s the worst intersection in Kimberley for collisions?
According to ICBC, stats for the years 2015 through 2019 show Mark St. and Wallinger Avenue holds the top spot with 13 collisions over those five years.
Just out of town, Highway 95A and Thomason Rd. had 11 collisions.
Next is Ross Street and Wallinger Avenue with ten crashes.
There were nine collisions along Wallinger Avenue itself; seven at Archibald and Warren; seven at Swan Avenue and Wallinger; six at the Forest Crowne Gate and Hwy 95A; six at Highway 95A and Rotary Drive; six at Jim Ogilvie Way and Rotary Drive; five at 304th St. and 307th Avenue; five on Thompson Road in Meadowbrook; four at 304th St. and 308th Ave; four at Marsden St. and Warren Ave; four along Ross Street; four at Ross St. and St. Mary Avenue; four along Warren Ave.
Coming in with three collisions are the intersection of 103rd Ave. Marsden St. and Rotary Drive; 303rd St. and 305th Ave.; 304th St. 309th Ave and Jim Ogilvie Way; Deer Park Avenue and Spokane St.; Hwy 05A adn St. Mary Lake Road; Ritchie Street and Warren Ave.
If you look at only 2019, the worst intersection was Swan Ave and Wallinger Ave. with five collisions.
You can view all the intersections here.
In Cranbrook the top intersection for collisions by far, with 200, is Cranbrook St. N., Theatre Drive and Victoria Ave.