The intersection of Maryland Road and Highway 19A is one of four that a recent city traffic study found warrants for a traffic light, and it will get it starting this week.

The intersection of Maryland Road and Highway 19A is one of four that a recent city traffic study found warrants for a traffic light, and it will get it starting this week.

Maryland traffic light installation starts next week

Work on the intersection will take up to eight weeks in order to minimize traffic delays, city says

The installation of the long-awaited traffic light at the intersection of Maryland Road and Highway 19A is about to get underway.

Beginning Monday, and continuing for up to eight weeks, the work will “provide a safer way to enter and exit the Maryland area,” says Drew Hadfield, the city’s director of operations. Normally, it wouldn’t take eight weeks to install a traffic signal, but in order to minimize traffic delays, the work is being done in stages, Hadfield says, “so drivers won’t see active construction each day during this time.”

While two-way traffic will be maintained as much as possible during construction, temporary lane closures may be required at certain times. Traffic control personnel will be on site as necessary to direct vehicles.

“People should expect minor traffic delays at this intersection during construction,” Hadfield adds. “Drivers are reminded to proceed with caution in the work area, and we thank everyone in advance for their patience during this construction.”

The work on the new intersection will include the installation of a traffic controller and box, bases and poles, street name signs, traffic signal heads, LED luminaires, an accessible pedestrian system, pedestrian countdown timers and an emergency vehicle pre-emption system.

RELATED: Maryland and 19A to get its traffic light

RELATED: Four CR intersections warrant better traffic control

The intersection has been a point of contention for residents in the area for some time spurring numerous letters to council over the years, and coming up as one of four intersections in town that warranted the increased control in a 2017 traffic study.

The city hopes that this work – once completed – along with the additional entrance/exit to the subdivision at Jubilee Parkway and Willow Creek Road, will alleviate the issues of coming and going from the southernmost area of the community.

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