Cumberland Mayor Leslie Baird takes part in a parade a few years ago. She wants the community to start thinking about its 125th anniversary. Record file photo

Mayor Baird wants Cumberland to start planning anniversary

Village will form a select committee to consider ideas for two funding programs

  • Apr. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Village of Cumberland’s 125th birthday is still a couple of years away, but already it’s planning for some kind of party.

At a committee of the whole meeting on April 26, Mayor Leslie Baird introduced a couple of opportunities for funding to help with a community celebration or project. Through Canadian Heritage there is funding for anniversary projects, particularly focusing on arts and heritage. This could be some kind of commemoration event and may include a minor capital project of up to $25,000. The program could cover 100 per cent of eligible expenses up to $200,000

Also through Canadian Heritage, there is the Legacy Fund. This could be a capital project that restores, renovates, or transforms an existing building or exterior space. Examples include a statue, community hall renovation, monument or garden.

RELATED STORY: Cumberland to bring parade into community

Cumberland’s anniversary will be in 2023, but the village will need to apply for the anniversary project funding by April 20, 2022. The plan and application are to be submitted a year in advance, Baird told council.

“I went through all the eligible criteria, and we meet everything,” she said.

Baird wants a select committee composed of representatives from various organizations around Cumberland. This group would be in charge of developing a plan and budget.

“These would be discussions that would be held within the committee,” she said, adding everything would come back to council for approval.

She asked staff to put together a report covering the terms of reference and estimated there are around 20 groups that could provide someone for the committee. Some groups may want to tie the project to projects of their own.

There is some latitude on the type of projects, though applications for sports or recreation are not covered under these programs, Baird said.

Members of council were enthusiastic about the idea. Coun. Vickey Brown suggested something like a band shell for festival-style events as one possibility. Whatever is chosen, the mayor wants full participation.

“I want to see everybody in the community involved,” she said.

Council passed a motion for the village to set out the terms of reference for the committee, which will include Coun. Sean Sullivan.

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