Mayor Harwood calls for intermediate care beds

Clearwater town council wants to discuss more extended care for area residents the next time they meet with MLA Terry Lake

Interior Health recently announced it was issuing requests for proposals to create 100 new residential care beds in Kelowna and 85 more in Vernon.

The announcement led the members of Clearwater town council to decide they would seek to discuss more extended care for area residents the next time they meet with Terry Lake, MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson and Minister of Health.

“We need to knock on doors for more beds,” said Mayor John Harwood, noting that 60 per cent of this community’s population will soon be at retirement age.

Discussions have been held with Evergreen Acres Society about operating an intermediate care facility.

The building likely would be located between the existing seniors housing complex and Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital, and would offer a level of care intermediate between that available in the complex and the extended care wing in the hospital.

Evergreen Acres already has the land needed, he said, although possibly more would be needed from Interior Health.

“We need to get a functional and cost analysis,” the mayor said.

The mayor added that they are also waiting to see a consultant’s report on a proposed hospice house facility for the North Thompson Valley.


Councillor Shelley Sim noted that there is not much available for people wishing to downsize from a house to an apartment in this community.



Clearwater Times